See what God can do through you


Volunteering is a great way to jump in and be a difference maker. You meet people, grow in your skills, and help make church happen. Whatever your gifting and whichever campus you attend, there is a place for you on the CrossWalk Team! We are passionate, committed, and determined to go the distance TOGETHER!

Join a Team

Kids walking into the auditorium during Kidswalk Camp. A little girl receives a high five from a leader. Two girls in the background smiling and looking on.


Kidswalk is Jesus centered, Bible teaching, and world reaching. Serving in Kidswalk includes opportunities to use your spiritual gifts to disciple the next generation and create a fun and safe environment for babies through 5th grade.

Two men, one younger the other older, sitting on brick steps outdoors talking to one another, one in a gray polo shirt holding a water bottle and the other in a white polo shirt holding a sandwich, with a foil wrap beside him. There is a metal railing leading up the stairs in the background.


Create welcoming environments for every CrossWalk guest. Every first impression can make a huge impact in people's lives! Help set a welcoming, expectant, and excellent atmosphere through roles like hosting, greeting, parking, hospitality, and making a space come to life with little details that go the extra mile.

A crowd of people raising their hands towards a stage where a person with a back towards the camera is leading worship, with a projection screen in the background displaying text.


A rising generation of passionate worshipers that help people encounter Jesus through authentic and energetic music. Serve by using your gifts in singing or playing an instrument in our weekly services, ministry events, and conferences.

Silhouette of a person holding a camera with their arm raised at a worship service with bright stage lights and a crowd in the background.


Utilize creativity and technical skills to provide a distraction-free, excellent, and engaging service environment in which people can encounter Jesus. There are opportunities to serve with lighting, audio, visuals, live video, or stage management.

Volunteers organizing and packing donations into suitcases for an upcoming missions trip.

Kingdom Builders

Accelerate the expansion of the Kingdom of God through missions initiatives, globally, locally, and to the next generation.


Use your passion for photography, film making, graphic design, marketing, and web development to share the good news of Jesus.


Sisterhood is an ever-expanding company of women of all ages and walks of life who believe in the value and potential of women. Community and growth happen through Connect Groups, studies, conferences, and other events. Help make Sisterhood happen by being a part of Welcome, Admin, Hosting, and working with special events.

Three young adult students smiling for a photo at a youth event, one wearing a shirt with the text "SEEK FIRST."


Use your gifts to invest in and raise up the next generation of leaders in our church. For those passionate about working with young leaders, opportunities to serve involve connect group settings, worship services, conferences, and other social events.


Help with tasks directly related to the day-to-day functioning of church life. From data entry to system management, there are opportunities to serve throughout the week to make church happen on Sundays!


Use your hands-on skills to contribute to practical ministry in areas like event logistics, facility assistance, and project building.